Running task locally with remotely stored configurations

We will use 04_install example again. But this time, we will store the configurations to the remote data store.

Now let’s review how 04_install project directory is structured:

├── files
│   ├──
│   ├── tap-config.json
│   └── target-config.json
└── project.yml

1 directory, 4 files

In files directory, we have a couple of configuration files:

Let’s store project.yml and the project files to the remote store (S3 for case of AWS). First we need to create a remote store bucket:

> handoff cloud bucket create -p 04_install
[2021-04-07 05:16:47,604] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:16:48,621] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
Check the progress at
    content-length: '392'
    content-type: text/xml
    date: Wed, 07 Apr 2021 05:16:49 GMT
    x-amzn-requestid: xxxxxxxxab5f78c7
  HTTPStatusCode: 200

Wait for a minute and check here

to make sure the bucket is created before you proceed.

Now it’s time to push the project files to the bucket.

Try running these two commands:

> handoff config push -p 04_install
[2021-04-07 05:19:49,762] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:50,133] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (

and this:

> handoff files push -p 04_install
[2021-04-07 05:19:51,191] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:51,565] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:51,638] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:51,949] [    INFO] - Uploading 04_install/files to bucket xxxxxxxx - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:51,949] [    INFO] - Files to be uploaded: ['04_install/files/target-config.json', '04_install/files/tap-config.json', '04_install/files/'] - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:51,949] [    INFO] - Uploading 04_install/files/target-config.json to Amazon S3 bucket xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/files/target-config.json - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:52,316] [    INFO] - Uploading 04_install/files/tap-config.json to Amazon S3 bucket xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/files/tap-config.json - (
[2021-04-07 05:19:52,476] [    INFO] - Uploading 04_install/files/ to Amazon S3 bucket xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/files/ - (
See the files at

Look at the end of the log that says,

    See the files at

Grab the link and open in the browswer (AWS login required) to see the files directory is uploaded.

In 03_secrets project, we learned how to use secret variables in the project files. 04_install also contains .secrets files although the values are not used at run-time.

We will use 04_install project to learn how to store secrets to AWS Systems Manager (SSM) Parameter Store as encrypted (SecuresString) data.

Try running (and enter ‘y’ to the confirmation):

> handoff secrets push -p 04_install
[2021-04-07 05:19:53,244] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
Putting the following keys to remote parameter store:
  - username (task level)
  - password (task level)
  - google_client_secret (resource group level)
Proceed? (y/N)[2021-04-07 05:19:53,621] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
See the parameters at
See the parameters at
See the parameters at

Look at the end of the log that says,

    See the parameters at

Grab the link and open in the browswer (AWS login required) to confirm that the parameters are uploaded.

Note that handoff will create all remote sources with dev prefix. To change the prefix, run handoff commands with –stage (-s) <prefix_name> like --stage test. To remove prefix, use --stage prod.

Install the workspace as usual:

> handoff workspace install -p 04_install -w workspace
[2021-04-07 05:19:54,894] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
Requirement already satisfied: wheel in ./tap/lib/python3.6/site-packages (0.36.2)
Collecting tap-exchangeratehost
  Using cached tap_exchangeratehost-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl (8.2 kB)
Collecting requests>=2.23.0
  Using cached requests-2.25.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (61 kB)
Collecting singer-python>=5.3.0
  Using cached singer_python-5.12.1-py3-none-any.whl
Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17
  Using cached certifi-2020.12.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl (147 kB)
  Using cached tzlocal-2.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (16 kB)
Collecting pytzdata
  Using cached pytzdata-2020.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (489 kB)
Collecting six>=1.5
  Using cached six-1.15.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (10 kB)
Collecting pytz
  Using cached pytz-2021.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl (510 kB)
Installing collected packages: six, pytz, tzlocal, pytzdata, python-dateutil, simplejson, pendulum, singer-python, jsonschema, target-csv
Successfully installed jsonschema-2.6.0 pendulum-1.2.0 python-dateutil-2.8.1 pytz-2021.1 pytzdata-2020.1 simplejson-3.11.1 singer-python-2.1.4 six-1.15.0 target-csv-0.3.0 tzlocal-2.1

Now let’s run the command by pulling the configurations and files from remote.

Try running:

> handoff run -w workspace --envs resource_group=handoff-etl task=exchange-rates-to-csv --push-artifacts -v start_date=$(date -I -d "-7 day")
[2021-04-07 05:20:10,559] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:10,943] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:11,395] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:11,896] [    INFO] - GET s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/files - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:12,462] [    INFO] - GET s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:12,542] [ WARNING] - Nothing found in the location - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:12,543] [    INFO] - Job started at 2021-04-07 05:20:12.543068 - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:12,543] [    INFO] - Running pipeline fetch_exchange_rates - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:12,570] [    INFO] - Checking return code of pid 5414 - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:13,673] [    INFO] - Checking return code of pid 5415 - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,038] [    INFO] - Uploading workspace/artifacts to bucket xxxxxxxx - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,038] [    INFO] - Files to be uploaded: ['workspace/artifacts/fetch_exchange_rates_stdout.log', 'workspace/artifacts/exchange_rate-20210407T052013.csv', 'workspace/artifacts/collect_stats.json'] - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,038] [    INFO] - Uploading workspace/artifacts/fetch_exchange_rates_stdout.log to Amazon S3 bucket xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/fetch_exchange_rates_stdout.log - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,204] [    INFO] - Uploading workspace/artifacts/exchange_rate-20210407T052013.csv to Amazon S3 bucket xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/exchange_rate-20210407T052013.csv - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,372] [    INFO] - Uploading workspace/artifacts/collect_stats.json to Amazon S3 bucket xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/collect_stats.json - (
See the files at
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,567] [    INFO] - Copying recursively from s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/* to s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/archives/2021-04-07T05:20:14.567230/* - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:14,837] [    INFO] - Copied s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/collect_stats.json to s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/archives/2021-04-07T05:20:14.567230/collect_stats.json - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:15,019] [    INFO] - Copied s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/exchange_rate-20210407T052013.csv to s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/archives/2021-04-07T05:20:14.567230/exchange_rate-20210407T052013.csv - (
[2021-04-07 05:20:15,211] [    INFO] - Copied s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/last/fetch_exchange_rates_stdout.log to s3://xxxxxxxx/dev-exchange-rates-to-csv/artifacts/archives/2021-04-07T05:20:14.567230/fetch_exchange_rates_stdout.log - (

This time, we are not using the local project definition. We are pulling the project configurations from the remote parameter store identified by the resource group and task names.

Also notice that we used –push-artifacts option in the last command. With this option, we pushed the result to the bucket under

    s3://..../[2021-04-07 05:20:15,861] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (


Also note that artifacts are automatically archived at each run at

    s3://..../[2021-04-07 05:20:15,861] [    INFO] - Found credentials in shared credentials file: ~/.aws/credentials - (


Recall 04_install/project.yml looks like:

> cat 04_install/project.yml
version: 0.3
description: Fetch foreign exchange rates

- venv: tap
  command: pip install tap-exchangeratehost
- venv: target
  command: pip install target-csv

- key: base_currency
  value: USD

- name: fetch_exchange_rates
  description: Fetch exchange rates
  - command: tap-exchangeratehost
    args: --config files/tap-config.json
    venv: tap
  - command: python
    args: files/
    venv: tap
  - command: target-csv
    args: --config files/target-config.json
    venv: target

  cloud_provider: aws
  cloud_platform: fargate
  resource_group: handoff-etl
  container_image: xxxxxxxxcsv
  task: exchange-rates-to-csv

- target_id: 1
  cron: "0 0 * * ? *"
  - key: __VARS
    value: 'start_date=$(date -I -d "-7 day")'

The deploy section specifies:

  • cloud_provider: Currently only AWS is supported.
  • cloud_platform: The serverless platfor on which the task will run.
  • resource_group: The resource group name, which is used for creating remote storage (e.g. AWS S3) names and the remote parameter store’s namespace. The resource can be shared with multiple tasks.
  • container_image: The container image name given to the current project.
  • task: Task name. Note that multiple tasks with varying configurations can be generated from a container image (Docker)

Next step is to prepare a Docker image and test running it locally.