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Specifying relative time as run-time variable

You can use GNU date command.


- name: show dates
  - command: echo
    args: "yesterday / today: {{ yesterday }} / {{ tooday }}"

For local runs, run handoff with date command passing via –vars (-v) option:

handoff run local -p project_dir -v yesterday=$(date -Iseconds -d "00:00 yesterday") today=$(date -Iseconds -d "00:00 today")

You can delay the evaluation of date command in container run and cloud run commands by passing __VARS environment variable via -e option:

handoff container run -p project_dir -e __VARS='today=$(date -I) tomorrow=$(date -I -d "1 day")'
handoff cloud run -p project_dir -e __VARS='today=$(date -I) tomorrow=$(date -I -d "1 day")'

Make sure to use single quotes when defining __VARS variable so it won’t be evaluated when container/cloud run command runs. You want the command string to be passed ‘as is’ and then evaluated when the container executes the handoff run command.

__VARS is a sepecial environment variable inside the container as defined in Dockerfile, the container evaluates __VARS and pass to handoff via -v option:

handoff run -w workspace_dir -v $(eval echo $__VARS)

In this way, the date command defined in __VARS is finally evaluated inside the container.

For convenience, you can define the environment variable in schedule:

- cron: '0 1 * * ? *'
  - key: '__VARS'
    value: 'yesterday=$(date -Iseconds -d "00:00 yesterday") today=$(date -Iseconds -d "00:00 today")'
  target_id: '1'


  • handoff run local may not be able to handle this correctly if your local machine does not implement GNU date (e.g. OSX). By default, handoff container run and handoff cloud run should be able to handle correctly as the Docker image is based on Ubuntu.

Installing a Python package from a Github repository

You can put<account>/<repository>/archive/<commit-hash>.tar.gz#egg=<command-name> format like this project of executing a pair of processes, tap-rest-api and target_gcs:

  - command: tap-rest-api
    args: "file/rest_api_spec.json --config files/tap_config.json --schema_dir file/schema --catalog file/catalog/default.json --state artifacts/state --start_datetime '{start_at}' --end_datetime '{end_at}'"
    venv: proc_01
      - "pip install tap-rest-api"
  - command: target_gcs
    args: "--config files/target_config.json"
    venv: proc_02
      - "pip install install --no-cache-dir"
    value: "files/google_client_secret.json"

Custom Dockerfile

One may need to deploy a Docker image with special root installations (e.g. JDBC driver). This is beyond the capability of workspace install command.

  docker_file: ./my_Dockerfile
  files_dir: ./my_files

In the above example, handoff will use ./my_Dockerfile instead of the default Dockerfile. It also copies ./my_files directory to the temporary directory where handoff start a docker command.

To get started, it is recommended to copy the default Dockerfile and modify it.

Then in your version of Dockerfile, you should be able to add install extra software or copy the files like:

RUN apt-get update -yqq && apt-get install -yqq jq
COPY ./my_files/hello.txt /app/

Monitorig the process with Grafana

When deployed to the cloud service, handoff creates logging resources. The logs are easily parsed and visualized with the dashboarding tools like Grafana.

Here are some resources to get started.

Grafana for AWS CloudWatch logs

handoff’s default cloud provider is AWS. In this case, CloudWatch logs can be visualized with Grafana.


  • When setting AWS CloudWatch data source on Grafana dashboard, make sure there is a .aws/credentials file accessible by the user running Grafana. When running on Ubuntu and authenticating AWS with a crendential file, you may need to keep a copy at /usr/share/grafana/.aws/credentials.
  • handoff creates a log group per task with the following naming convention: <resource-name>-<task-name>
  • When adding a query on Grafana Panel, set Query Mode to “CloudWatch Logs” and enter an Insigh query. For example, here is a query to extract Singer’s metrics:
fields @timestamp, @message
| filter @message like /METRIC/
| parse "* *: {\"type\": \"*\", \"metric\": \"*\", \"value\": *, *}" as log_level, log_type, singer_type, singer_metric, singer_value, rest
| filter singer_type = "counter"
| stats max(singer_value) as rows_loaded by bin(4h)
  • You can also count the errors and send an alert. Our suggestion for a beginner is to create a free PagerDuty account and create a new service from https://<your-domain> Select AWS CloudWatch as Integration Type and obtain the integration key to use it on Grafana alert setup.
  • Here is an example query for filtering errors from the logs and count:
fields @timestamp, @log, @message
| filter @message like /(CRITICAL|Error|error)/
| count() as errors by bin(1h)