Command Reference

Core commands

handoff.core.admin.artifacts_archive(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff artifacts archive -p <project_directory>

Copy the artifacts directory from (remote) last to (remote) runs/.

handoff.core.admin.artifacts_delete(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff artifacts delete -p <project_directory>

Delete artifacts from the remote artifacts/last directory

handoff.core.admin.artifacts_get(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff artifacts archive -p <project_directory> -w <workspace_directory>

Download artifacts from the (remote) last to

handoff.core.admin.artifacts_push(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff artifacts push -p <project_directory> -w <workspace_directory>

Push local artifacts file to remote storage under last directory.

handoff.core.admin.config_delete(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff config delete -p <project_directory> Delete the project configuration from the remote parameter store.

handoff.core.admin.config_deleteold(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff config delete -p <project_directory> Delete the project configuration from the remote parameter store.

handoff.core.admin.config_print(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff config print -p <project_directory> Print the project configuration in the remote parameter store.

handoff.core.admin.config_push(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff config push -p <project_directory> Push project.yml and the contents of project_dir/config as a secure parameter key.

handoff.core.admin.config_validate_local(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff config validate local -p <project_directory> Validate local configuration.

handoff.core.admin.files_delete(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff files delete -p <project_directory> Delete files and templates from the remote storage

handoff.core.admin.files_get(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff files get -p <project_directory> -w <workspace_directory> Download remote files to /files It also parse the templates with secrets and populate under


handoff.core.admin.files_get_local(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff files get local -p <project_directory> -w <workspace_directory> Copy files from the local project_dir to workspace_dir.

It also parse the templates with secrets and populate under


Any existing files in workspace_dir will be deleted.

handoff.core.admin.files_push(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff files push -p <project_directory> Push the contents of /files and /templates to remote storage.

The bucket and path format is:

  • bucket name: -(dev-)
  • path: /
handoff.core.admin.project_delete(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff project push -p <project_directory> Push config, files, secrets all together

handoff.core.admin.project_push(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff project push -p <project_directory> Push config, files, secrets all together

handoff.core.admin.secrets_delete(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, yes: bool = False, **kwargs)

handoff secrets delete -p <project_directory> -d file=<secrets_file>

Delete the contents of to remote parameter store By default, .secrets/secrets.yml in the current working directory is searched for the list of the secrets.

handoff.core.admin.secrets_print(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs)

handoff secrets print -p <project_directory>

Get the secrets in the remote parameter store and dump in YAML format.

handoff.core.admin.secrets_push(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, yes: bool = None, **kwargs) → None

handoff secrets push -p <project_directory> -v secrets_dir=<secrets_dir>

Push the contents of to remote parameter store

–vars secrets_dir (.secrets): The directory containing secrets.yml file, which is a YAML file storing secrets with format:

The secrets are stored in the remote parameter store in the format:

  • /(dev-)//
handoff.core.admin.version(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

Print handoff version

handoff.core.admin.workspace_init(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None
handoff.core.admin.workspace_install(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff workspace install -p <project_directory> -w <workspace_directory> Install dependencies in the local virtual environment Dict, **kwargs) → None

handoff run -w <workspace_directory> -e resource_group=<resource_group_name> task=<task_name> Run the task by the configurations and files stored in the remote parameter store and the file store.

handoff.core.task.run_local(config, **kwargs)

handoff run local -p <project_directory> -w <workspace_directory> Run the task locally.

Container commands str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff container build -p <project_directory> -v docker_file=<docker_file> files_dir=<addtnl_files_dir> Build the container image Optionally, use docker_file to specify own Dockerfile str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff container push -p <project_directory> Push the container image to remote repository str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff container run -p <project_directory> -e resource_group=<resource_group_name> task=<task_name> __VARS='key1=val1 key2=val2...' Run the container

If the environment variable VARS is specified via -e option, it will be used as: `handoff run -d $(eval echo $VARS)`

Cloud commands str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud bucket create -p <project_directory> Create remote storage bucket. Bucket is attached to the resource group. str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud bucket delete -p <project_directory> Delete remote storage bucket. str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud bucket status -p <project_directory> -s Check the status of bucket str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud bucket update -p <project_directory> Update remote storage bucket info str, workspace_dir: str, envs: Dict = {}, vars: Dict = {}, extras: str = None, yes: bool = False, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud container build -v resource_group=<resource_group_name> task=<task_name> target_id=<target_id> -e vars='key1=val1 key2=val2...' build and push container in the cloud str, workspace_dir: str, envs: Dict = {}, vars: Dict = {}, extras: str = None, yes: bool = False, **kwargs) → None str = None, platform_name: str = None, stdout: bool = False, cloud_profile: str = None, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → module str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud job status -p <project_directory> -v full=False running=True stopped=True resource_group_level=False list task status

AWS options:

  • full: When true, print the full description (default: false)
  • running: When true, include desired status = RUNNING (default: true)
  • stopped: When true, include desired status = STOPPED (default: true)
  • resource_group_level: When true, list all the tasks under the same resource groups (default: false) str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud job stop -p <project_directory> -v id=<task_id> reason=<reason> stop a running task Options:

  • reason str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud logs -v start_time=<start_time> end_time=<end_time> follow=<True/False> Show logs Use –vars (-v) option to:

  • start_time: ISO 8086 formatted date time to indicate the start time
  • end_time
  • follow: If set, it waits for more logs until interrupted by ctrl-c
  • filter: Filter log term str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud resources create -p <project_directory> Create resources necessary for task execution. The resources are shared among the tasks under the same resource group.

Optionally: -v static_ip=True: [AWS] Create Elastic IP and NAT Gateway to obtain a static IP. This costs more.

AWS: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud resources delete -p <project_directory> Delete the resources

The resources are shared among the tasks under the same resource group. str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud resources status -p <project_directory> -s Check the status of resources str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud resources update -p <project_directory> Update the resources

The resources are shared among the tasks under the same resource group. str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud role create -p <project_directory> -v external_id=<id> grantee_account_id=<grantee_id> Create the role with deployment privilege. str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud role delete -p <project_directory> -v grantee_account_id=<grantee_id> Delete the role. str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud role status -p <project_directory> -s Check the status of role str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud role update -p <project_directory> -v external_id=<id> grantee_account_id=<grantee_id> Update the role privilege information. str, workspace_dir: str, envs: Dict = {}, vars: Dict = {}, extras: str = None, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud run -v resource_group=<resource_group_name> task=<task_name> target_id=<target_id> -e vars='key1=val1 key2=val2...' Run a task once in the platform

If the environment variable vars is specified via -e option, it will be used as: handoff run -v $(eval echo $vars) str, workspace_dir: str, envs: Dict = {}, vars: Dict = {}, extras: str = None, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud schedule create -v target_id=<target_id> cron="<cron_format>" -e vars='key1=val1 key2=val2...' Schedule a task named at the recurring scheduled specified as . An example of cron-format string is 10 01 * * ? * for every day at 01:10 (1:10AM)

If the environment variable vars is specified via -e option, it will be used as: handoff run -v $(eval echo $vars) str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud schedule delete -v target_id=<target_id> Unschedule a task named str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud schedule list List the scheduled tasks str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud task create -p <project_directory> Create the task Optionally, -v cpu=256, memory=512 str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud task delete -p <project_directory> Delete the task str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud task status -p <project_directory> -s Check the status of task str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff cloud task update -p <project_directory> Update the task Optionally, -v cpu=256, memory=512

Envs commands

handoff.plugins.envs.get(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, vars: Dict = {}, **kwargs) → None

handoff envs get -p <project_dir> -d key=<env_var_key> Get the value of an evirohment varaible specified by

Quick start commands

handoff.plugins.quick_start.make(project_dir: str, workspace_dir: str, **kwargs) → None

handoff quick_start make Copy the test projects to the test_projects under the current directory